
Getting Started

Getting Started with Michael E. Plummer & Associates

Here’s what you’ll need to begin the bankruptcy process. Don’t worry if you have questions, we’re here to help.

We will need the following documents to file your case. If you don’t have them all feel free to come by and we can discuss your issues and get the documents later.

  • Last TWO years of federal and state returns
  • Recorded deed to home (if you own or are purchasing)
  • Recorded mortgage(s) from Courthouse records room in the county in which property is located
    • For Ohio residents, we can get your Deed and mortgage online
  • Title to your motor vehicle (even if it is paid off)
  • Paystubs in order from the prior six months – to current in order
  • All the bills you have
    • If you don’t have a bill, just write their name on a sheet of paper I have 50,000 addresses of creditors. One bill from each creditor is ok, not ten bills from Saint Elizabeth, for example

Please go to annualcreditreport.com and get ONE of your three free reports that will make sure all your bills are included

Go to SummitFE.org and do online credit counseling for $14.95. It takes about an hour. You will need to bring the completion certificate to us, or email a PDF of it to us.

If you are filing Chapter 7, the legal fees are $757.00 (typically) and court cost is $338.00, or $1,095.00 will pay your costs in full. You can make payments at an amount convenient to you and can start referring your creditors to us today.

If you desire to file your case now by paying the $338.00 federal court cost, we can set up the legal fee over three payments.

If you have been garnished recently, we can usually recover your money.

If you are filing Chapter 13, you may only be required to pay the federal filing fee of $313.00 to file your case. The legal fees are set by the Bankruptcy Court and are paid from your monthly plan payment over a period of up to 60 months.

We’re here to help. You can come by anytime during the week between 9am-4pm. You do not need an appointment.